Serving since 2002
Today most of us woke up in a safe home, with plenty of food, closet full of clothes to choose from and many other blessings that we probably forgot to count.
In this very day, somewhere near us there is an abused child, a starving kid, an abandoned infant, and an orphan who's lacking life's most basic essentials.
Will you help one of these kids today?
"Best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service of others"
Kidds Are First, inc. benefits foster, orphaned and other disadvantaged children of Florida's Volusia county and the surrounding areas. The children's needs are identified and referred by the Department of Children and Families (DCF), Community Partnership for Children (CPC), Guardian Ad Litem (GAL), schools, churches, group homes and other child related social service agencies.
You'll love the heartwarming experience of helping these precious kids. We have volunteering opportunities for all ages and we need you! Please click here to find out how you can benefit the less fortunate children of our community.
"Titanic was built by professionals, Noah's ark by a volunteer"
We are 100% volunteer based 501(c)3 company, with no paid staff; every tax deductible donation is used to benefit a child.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give"